Glimpses of KEC
BMC Mumbai Science Contest
Session with outstation students
Practical setup for Homi Bhabha exam
Demonstration of physics practicals
Kamat Sir invited as judge for Mumbai Science Project Competition
KEC guidance in Latur
Guidance on science projects
Practical setup for Homi Bhabha exam
Kamat Sir invited as judge for Mumbai Science Project Competition
Orientation lecture for students and parents before start of course
Demonstration of biology experiments
Our students who reach for the stars!
Soham Chitnis at the site of his Homi Bhabha project
Nidhi Lohana collecting her Ganit Prabhutva award
Hem Dodia with his Ganit Prabhutva trophies
Abhimanyu Tamne from Aurangabad collecting his Homi Bhabha award
Krish Vora with his Homi Bhabha Exam medal
Siddhant Shenai holding his Ganit Pradnya medal & trophy
Gargee Sawant with her CV Raman exam certificate
Khwaish Billore with her medal at KEC classroom
Harsh Modi with his gold medal in the Homi Bhabha exam. He had stood 1st in state in the written exam.
Shivani Taskar collecting her medal